I’m sitting here after a tough run, where I pushed harder than I have done in a couple of months. Endorphins are making me feel like a freaking rockstar, and then I look down and see my mama belly. My mama belly that is a little squishier after a few weeks of Prosecco and pastries and pizza, and I feel embarrassed and ashamed. I contemplate tucking it back in, or hiding it under a t-shirt before taking the picture.
But then I realize that this is WHY we’re ashamed of our bodies right?! Because we’re always, always seeing everyone else’s best angle, and we always see our own reality.
So I’m here to not only ACCEPT this reality, but to try and freaking embrace it. I am so very thankful for ….
💁🏻♀️A body that will never look like it did before kids.
💁🏻♀️A stomach that will always be a work in progress.
💁🏻♀️A skin hang that I’ve had since I had my 3rd baby.
I used to resent this skin. I used to worry what others would think. I used to preach self love but never practice it.
Well not anymore my friends. Now when I look at this body I see a#STRONGAFmum, a mum who has been LUCKY enough to be able to grow and birth 3 beautiful babies. I see a mum who will overcome her fear of vulnerability and her struggles, to remind other women that they’re not alone🥰
So here’s a reminder to all the hardworking mamas out there.
And don’t ever let anyone ever tell you any different!
