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Love The Skin You're In...

Writer: Louise Parker Louise Parker

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

I’m sitting here after a tough run, where I pushed harder than I have done in a couple of months. Endorphins are making me feel like a freaking rockstar, and then I look down and see my mama belly. My mama belly that is a little squishier after a few weeks of Prosecco and pastries and pizza, and I feel embarrassed and ashamed. I contemplate tucking it back in, or hiding it under a t-shirt before taking the picture. ⁣


But then I realize that this is WHY we’re ashamed of our bodies right?! Because we’re always, always seeing everyone else’s best angle, and we always see our own reality. ⁣⁣


So I’m here to not only ACCEPT this reality, but to try and freaking embrace it. I am so very thankful for ….⁣


💁🏻‍♀️A body that will never look like it did before kids. ⁣⁣


💁🏻‍♀️A stomach that will always be a work in progress. ⁣⁣


💁🏻‍♀️A skin hang that I’ve had since I had my 3rd baby. ⁣⁣


I used to resent this skin. I used to worry what others would think. I used to preach self love but never practice it. ⁣⁣


Well not anymore my friends. Now when I look at this body I see a#STRONGAFmum, a mum who has been LUCKY enough to be able to grow and birth 3 beautiful babies. I see a mum who will overcome her fear of vulnerability and her struggles, to remind other women that they’re not alone🥰⁣⁣


So here’s a reminder to all the hardworking mamas out there. ⁣⁣








And don’t ever let anyone ever tell you any different!


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